Friday, January 22, 2010

Delinquent Blogger!

Ack!  You'd think with me being home all the time that I would be more diligent in my blogging.  But I remind you (mostly because I need to remind myself) that the purpose of my time off is to REST.  Not to blog.  Not to read.  Not to organize my entire house.  But to REST.

And so far, I'm actually doing really well with that!  :)

I have accomplished a few small goals.  One was to create a menu for the week, go shopping to collect all food items needed, and cook every night.  Another goal was to take pictures of the food I prepared.  On the first front, I have done well.  On the second front, I have failed.  :(

My husband has some food allergy issues.  We know for sure that he is allergic to wheat.  Not celiac disease, but a true allergy where he gets all sneezy and congested.  But there is something else (probably several something elses) that are continuing to give him issues.  So, we are doing a no wheat, no dairy diet for a while.  I'm still allowed those things, but for our evening dinner, we are WF and DF (wheat-free and dairy-free.)  As you can imagine, this creates some culinary challenges.  I'm not all that culinary-inclined to start with, so it's taken more effort than a lot of other things in my life right now.  But it's all for a good cause and I'm excited to be doing it.  Matt actually prepared dinner for us last night (Pecan Mustard Encrusted Pork Chops.)  Good hubby.  :)

I started to feel icky last Thursday night - having trouble sleeping and just feeling overall really crappy on Friday. A pretty good fever and seriously increased joint and muscle pain just took me down a notch. I really did not do much at all those days - except for catching up on Season 5 of LOST in preparation for the season opener of the 6th and final season on Feb 2nd.  SO excited.  When Matt and I returned from our honeymoon (where we actually visited the set where LOST is filmed), he convinced me to start watching the show.  My brother and sister-in-law bought us the first 4 seasons on DVD as a Christmas gift and we blazed through them!  Matt has always been a fan of the show and he always went on an on about how great it was, with me always stating 'I am just not interested.'  And while I admit that it creeped me out for the first 2 seasons, I quickly became one of the many who are genuinely hooked on the show.  In preparation for the season 6 premiere, we have watched all of season 4 and are nearing the end of season 5.  So excited to finally get all the questions answered!  If you are not a fan, let me put in a word to persuade you:  watch it.

Here is one of the beaches where it is filmed:

My clinic's Christmas party was Saturday night - a good time was had by all.  I really am one of the really fortunate people in this world who has a job that I love with people that I love to work alongside of.  :)  And while I miss them with me being at home, I'm so thankful for this rest.

The setback in my health is to be expected.  So, I'm not worried.  And that is nice.

Monday night Matt and I baby-sat for some friends of ours to give them a 'date' night out.  They have 2 little girls that are so much fun!  I actually was back over there on Tuesday to take some pictures of their little one, Faith.  One of my hobbies is to take pictures of all kinds - but recently I have really enjoyed taking pictures of kids.  I have totally stolen an idea for a collage of babies and made it my own.  It's called 'baby bits' and the two I have done so far have turned out really well. 

Here's one of them:  (the actual picture of the collage is kind of crappy, but trust me that the actual thing is pretty cool.)  This is Hunter. 

Little Faith is quite the mover - and it's taken me two visits to capture all of the 'bits' of her to make her collage.  Here is one of my favorites:

The other hobby I have spent some time on is an age old interest of mine.  Beads.  I have collected beads for as long as I can remember.  And due to some free time and a sale at Micheal's, I am diving into jewelry making with renewed zeal!  Here's my (beautifully organized, might I say) collection.  I really think I had just as much fun organizing them as I ever will making things from them.  :)


And here are my first earring creations!

Wednesday was a blah, lazy day.  With the exception of taking my dog for a walk in the slight rain, I really did not do anything. I did make some chili for dinner and it was yummy! Yesterday I spent several hours working on a project for work - but that was after an hour long soak in the tub.  A good friend of mine gave me a de-tox bath liquid and I figured hey, it can't hurt.  It felt good to just sit and relax.  I just might have to do that again.

I have experienced a very new, very odd symptom the past 2 nights.  Wednesday night when I got into bed my right foot was WARM and my left foot was extremely COLD.  I had the same socks on both feet before crawling into bed and I had been sitting on the couch - legs not crossed.  It happened again last night - but to a much lesser degree.  I have an appointment with my doc on February 10th - we'll see what he makes of it.

Ok, that's enough for now.   :)

1 comment:

Candace said...

Hey there! saw the new jewelry - very nice! really like the decorated metal plate. all pieces from michael's? we'll def have to incorporate that into our next visit. :)