Thursday, February 04, 2010

More snow!

I learned something yesterday: snowballs and trees make for good pitching practice. :)

I also learned something else: I throw like a girl. Ha!

I never did play softball or baseball on a real team or anything (well, I was on a T-ball team when I was about 5 or so) but my brother and I used to wear holes in the grass in our yard playing 'ghost man' baseball with plastic bats and whiffle balls when we were young. I have some great memories of those summer afternoon/evenings - mom would often have to make us come in after it was dark. Our night vision was quite advanced. :) As we got older, my brother played baseball for real for our high school and he played for our (quite competitive) church league softball team. I would help him practice by throwing him grounders - as he was a second baseman and those grounders could be difficult to master.  

At one point in my life, I could throw a nerf football in a high and tight spiral farther than a whole gaggle of buff college guys. (A very pround moment in my life, indeed!)

But I learned with my snowball exercise that I have lost those skills. Whether it is due to the injury where the horse destroyed my shoulder or simply my lack of trying to throw anything at a target for the past 5 years or so, I now throw like a sissy little girl. I tried again today - I did even worse! Bleh.

When I did hit the tree - I did hit it at the same place everytime, so that's something, right?


We got more snow over the weekend. And we are getting a whole lot more this coming weekend. What a winter!

I FINALLY finished up my work project, so now I feel a little more free to relax and work on some funner things around the house. My work project is something that I've actually worked on since my first year at the clinic. I do most of our horse vaccines in the spring and the first year I was driving all over the place in a single day to only visit 3 or 4 farms. Not very efficient. I put into play a system where we sent out letters to our horse clients indicating that we would give a discount on the trip fee if they scheduled us to come out on their area's alloted day. It has been an evoloving system - mostly done on yellow pads of paper. But THIS year, my brilliant receptionist Karen sent me an Excel spreadsheet with all of our horse owning clients on it as well as their address! Matt helped me alphabetize the whole thing AND create another column where I could designate what district their horse was actually in. What took so long is the computer generated 475 names! I had to go through every client to see if they were still active, still had horses, and see where those horses actually are. I ended up deleting about 150 of those names due to inactivity. I took the rest and created a map to plot out where each of those clients are in order to re-organize the districts.  It was a much larger undertaking than I expected!!!  But I'm thrilled with the end result - it's done.  It's done right.  And most importantly, because it was done digitally (not on a yellow pad of paper), I never have to do it again!  :)

Matt and I were supposed to go over to some friends house to watch the LOST premiere on Tuesday, but alas, the snow kept us house-bound.  But they called us as soon as it was over to discuss.  :)  I've spent a lot of time reading message boards and the like to entertain multiple theories to the intensely confusing 1st episode.  I hopelessly addicted.

I still continue to have good days and bad days as far as how I feel.  One thing that has changed for the better is that my hair has stopped falling out!  Yay!  When Matt and I got married, I had super long hair.  Soon after, it began falling out due to my illness.  I had to eventually cut it off because it had gotten so thin and stringy.  I am trying to grow it out again - and I'm so super happy to have it filling in and not falling out!

I have experimented a bit more in the kitchen recently.  Thought I'd share some of my latest creations.  This first picture is a bit odd.  It's an emptied out pomegranate.  A few months ago I was invited over for dinner by my friend, Erin.  She introduced me to pomegranate as a tasty little snack.  It takes some work to get it out of it's cozy little shell, but it's worth it.

After emptying out all the little pieces and rinsing them off, I have kept them in a bowl in the fridge.  High in antioxidants, juicy and crunchy, and tangy-sweet, they have become a favorite snack of mine.  Chocolate is still first.  

Aren't they pretty????

Ok, this meal I was super excited about - but it turned out, poorly.  Marinated and seared ahi tuna steaks, rice, and stir-fried asparagus.  The tuna was TERRIBLE.  It was SO fishy, I couldn't eat it.  The asparagus (which is certainly not a veggie I like) was darn tasty!  I even bought some more for a repeat.

Now this one was a winner!  Potato-encrusted talapia, green beans, and yams.  YUM!!! 

I think that's enough for tonight.  Sorry I'm not more interesting.  I'll try and dig up some good work stories for my next blog.  :)
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1 comment:

hsholbrook08 said...

What a fabulous idea regarding the equine vaccines/improving farm visit efficiency....congratulations and kudos to you!